OPEN DEI 1st Energy Domain Workshop

6th April 2020, 10:00 – 15.00, Teleconference

OPEN-DEI (Aligning Reference Architectures, Open Platforms and Large Scale Pilots in Digitising European Industry) aims at leveraging synergies, identifying gaps, sharing best practices, reinforcing regional/national relationships as well as putting in place the necessary joint measures to implement common dissemination, communication, training and exploitation action plans among the Innovation Actions (IA) selected projects.

2020 CEF Energy call information day

INEA, March 26, 2020

INEA invite us  to join them on 26 March to learn more about the policy context & how to prepare a good proposal. Nearly €980 million EU funding available for cross-border energy infrastructure.The 2020 CEF Energy Work Programme will contribute to the further development and implementation of projects of common interest (PCIs) in the energy sector, namely in electricity (including smart grids), gas and cross-border carbon dioxide networks. 

Public workshop

ENTSO-E, Nov 8, 2019, Brussels

Once again Innoverter Consulting BV participated in ENTSO-E ‘s public workshops.  This time, ENTSO-E presented the 3rd CBA Guideline after the launch of the public consultation.